Technical Assistance and Consulting Services

Civitas is involved across the spectrum of community development. We have hands-on experience working with vulnerable populations, affordable housing, community resiliency & emergency management, and economic revitalization. When we are not professionally working with making the world a better place, we are lending a hand. We are dedicated advocates for improving communities and identifying practical, effective solutions that help build lasting and prosperous programs.  We bring a passion for public service to our work in areas such as:

  • Consolidated Planning

  • eCon Planning Suite

  • Assessment of Furthering Fair Housing

  • HUD/NEPA Environmental Review

  • Underwriting/Feasibility Studies

  • LIHTC Development

  • CDBG, HOME, and NSP

  • Grant Writing & Management

  • Non-profit Capacity Building

  • IDIS Training

  • Grant Based Accounting & Financial Management Training

  • Community Project Funding

  • Organizational Needs Assessments 

  • Social & Economic Impact Analysis

  • Program Evaluation

  • Research Design & Implementation

  • GIS Mapping & Spatial Analysis

  • Project Management

Our knowledge and experience with social science research, economic development and community revitalization put us in a unique position to assist a consortium of public and private entities in better meeting their missions. Versed in quantitative and qualitative methods, we can help you with everything from developing partnerships and conducting impact analysis to making sense of data.

“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” 
― Jane Jacobs